Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Ordering from LANDATA®

  • Placing an order
  • Changing or cancelling an order

2. LANDATA® Accounts

  • MFA support

3. Fees and Payments

  • Payment options
  • Costs
  • Refunds

4. How to search in LANDATA®

  • What information do I need up front?
  • Vol/Fol queries
  • Ordering a cancelled title
  • Searching the Titles Register

5. Updating your details

  • Changing the details on my Title
  • Lost/destroyed Titles
  • Caveats, covenants and easements
  • Transfers of Land or Mortgages
  • Land Use Victoria forms for transactions and dealings

6. Searching Property Sales and Valuation Information

  • Accessing property sales information
  • Property sales data and my rates

7. Feedback

  • I want to provide feedback

1. Ordering from LANDATA®

What information can I get from LANDATA®?

LANDATA® is the online delivery service for Secure Electronic Registries Victoria (SERV). LANDATA® delivers the following products:

How do I place an order on LANDATA®?

There are two ways that you can place an order:

Additionally, check out the ordering process.

Can I change or cancel my order once I have submitted it?

Orders for title certificates cannot be changed or cancelled once submitted, as they are automatically fulfilled upon submission.

Orders for property certificates are passed instantaneously to most authorities, and cannot be changed or cancelled after submission.

2. LANDATA® Accounts

I have not received my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code when logging into my LANDATA® account?

It may take up to 5 minutes to receive your code via your account’s registered email, depending on your email server and anti-virus screening programs.

Please also check your junk mail / spam folder as the email may have been automatically directed there.

Note: If you click ‘resend email’ before waiting the recommended length of time for the code, you will generate a new code which will be sent in a new email. You will then be required to wait for the second email to arrive, as the first email will contain a code that is no longer valid.

Why am I receiving an error when entering my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code?

There are two main reasons for an error to appear:

  1. You may have selected ‘resend email’, which will generate a new code in a new email. This will render the first code that has been sent to you invalid. If you try to use the first code, an error will appear.
  2. You may have accidentally copied across a blank space or punctuation from the verification email. Copying blank spaces or punctuation along with the code will result in an error.

If you are having any issues copying and pasting the code into the authentication field, please manually type the code.

3. Fees and Payments

What payment options are available?

We accept payment online using Visa and Mastercard credit cards.

We cannot accept payment in person, over the phone, or via email.

How much does each title search cost?

You can purchase a Copy of Title (Register Search Statement) online for

  • $7.80 (2024-25 price) using the volume and folio reference, or
  • $16.81 (2024-25 price) using address or another reference - this includes the Land Index Fee.
What is the cost of ordering a Copy of Plan?

You can purchase a Copy of Plan for

  • $7.50 (2024-25 price) using the volume and folio reference, or
  • $16.51 (2024-25 price) using address or another reference - this includes the Land Index Fee.
What is the Land Index Fee?

The Land Index Fee is incurred if you conduct a search using a street address instead of the title's volume/folio number.

How can I get a refund?

Refunds are generally provided only where a fault with a LANDATA® system has resulted in the customer receiving the incorrect product.

If you provide incorrect details or simply order a product that you did not require, no refund will be provided.

What information do I need to order a Copy of Title?

You can order a Copy of Title (Register Search Statement) with any of the below identifiers:

  • Street Address
  • Volume/Folio number
  • Lot on Plan number
  • Council Property Number
  • Standard Parcel Identifier
  • Crown Allotment Details

Any identifier except Volume/Folio will attract a Land Index Fee.

From 3 August 2024, all new Victorian Certificates of Title issued from the Register of Land will be electronic. Learn more.

What if I don’t have the Volume/Folio number?

You can obtain the Volume/Folio number by using the street address or another reference to search the register, however, this incurs an additional fee known as a Land Index Search Fee of $9.01 (2024-25 price).

When ordering online, the system will automatically advise you of this additional charge prior to you completing your order.

How can I order a copy of a transfer, caveat, or mortgage?

These are known as instruments, and there are two ways to order them.

  1. Start with a title & property certificates order, and enter your property identifier. Once the property has been confirmed, the instruments that are linked to this property will be listed and available to purchase in Step 3.
  2. If you have a Copy of Title, the instrument numbers will be listed next to the specific dealing. You can then use an instrument search to order a copy of that instrument.
How can I order a past/cancelled title?

If you are looking for past/cancelled titles of a property, you can purchase the Title History Search Statement.

Unless you have the Volume / Folio of the historical title you are interested in, you will need to use another identifier (such as address) to complete the search. You can then use the parent Volume / Folio number found on your purchase to order further Title History Searches until you get back to the time frame required.

This allows you to track the land parcel through various Volume / Folio references that may have described it throughout time, such as subdivisions, consolidations, or any other transaction that results in a new title being produced.

Can anyone search the Titles Register?

Yes. The Titles Register is a public register.

Can I search the Titles Register using an individual’s name?

Searching by name is known as a Proprietor Name Search. This type of search is only available through our Information Brokers.

How do I contact an owner?

The Register Search Statement (Copy of Title) includes the name of the property owner. It also has the owner’s address at the time they purchased the property and as entered on the Transfer of Land.

The address may be:

  • The address of the property just purchased.
  • The previous address of the owner before the new property was purchased.
  • The current residential address of the owner, if they do not intend to reside at the newly purchased property.

The address on the Register Search Statement is the only one SERV has for any owner. Property owners are not required to keep SERV informed of any changes of address so those that appear on the Register Search Statement (title), therefore, these may not be current.

How can I monitor the progress of plan (registered or unregistered) or activity on a title lodged with SERV?

The LANDATA® Property Transaction Alert Service provides an easy and economical way to monitor activity on a title, registered or unregistered plan.

Please click here for direct access to our document tracking system.

5. Updating your details in the Register of Titles / LANDATA®

How can I change the details on my title?

Click on the following link - FAQs - SERV (

If you have a question relating to;
  • lost or destroyed Certificate of Title
  • Caveats, covenants and easements
  • Transfers of Land or Mortgages

Please submit an enquiry

Where do I go to obtain Land Use Victoria forms for property transactions and dealings, associated guides, and fee listings?

Please visit the Forms & Guides page.

6. Searching Property Sales and Valuation Information

How can I access or obtain Property Sales Information?

Property sales information for a single property

You can access this online at

Property sales information to support an objection to your rate

LANDATA® offers a Property Sales (Rates Objection) Report.

  • Select "Titles & property certificates" from the main menu, enter your address and follow the prompts to order.
  • To subscribe or to obtain ad hoc reports for property sales information for an area, a locality or statistical median, property sales information can be obtained from one of LANDATA®'s information brokers.
Can I obtain property sales data to support my rates objection?

LANDATA® offers a Property Sales (Rates Objection) Report.

The Property Sales (Rates Objection) Report provides up to 20 of the most recent comparable sales records (by geography and property type) for any address in Victoria.

After ordering, the LANDATA team will be in contact via email to request a copy of your rates notice. This must be supplied to complete your request.

7. Feedback

How do I provide feedback?

We value your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our service and your customer experience.

Please complete the LANDATA® enquiry form by clicking here.

Glossary of Terms

This link will take you to the SERV website for a complete glossary of terms